Oh my, this week has been photo-heavy! Below are two views of the final drawing that I did during the 5 hour Draw-a-thon last weekend. I felt like the first four hours were really a warm-up, consisting of shorter poses and some medium length ones. I am notorious, however, for not being able to adapt myself to very short poses – I need to work on that! So, when the final hour-long post came up, this is what I produced.
As for the Draw-a-thon itself, it was a really great experience! I drank more soda than I have in quite some time that day (perhaps an attempt to stay awake, perhaps because I am a sugar-fiend sometimes). I also decided to take off my headphones and come into the “real” world, which was great because they had a pretty awesome playlist for this shindig. I always enjoy going to Friday Night and Saturday Morning Sketch, but I think this one really fostered a lot of camaraderie between us artists because it was so long. Anyway, enjoy the pictures and check out the rest of my photographic journeys with DIY Interlude and Project x Project this week!

Check out some more of my drawings and photography.