So, You’re Not a Superhero

So you’re not a superhero. You get frustrated when you mix up verb tenses. You can’t cross the street without saying a small prayer. You’re not conventionally attractive, by American or Bengali standards. You stall in your writing – and your reading and your half-made plans. You take off your kameez one shoulder at a […]

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The Wheel and the Hook

Passionate about ordinary things, like how ingredients become food – that detail was included in the winning story told at the Moth event I attended last week. The detail was in reference to the storyteller’s friend (the subject of their piece), and I felt a kinship because of that choice; I too am passionate about […]

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Happiness Is…

  – A room with pen and paper – A good meal shared with family and friends (my current favorite is pullao with goat curry and potatoes; I can eat it all. day. long.) – Cuddling up and talking for hours with someone you care about – Watching your niece grow up to be taller […]

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Immigrant Mourning

How does one feel sadness properly? This week opens for me with a very recent death and a very raw period of mourning. As much as I believe that death is a natural inevitable process, it still shakes you to the core when it comes close. It’s almost enough to make me want to write […]

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On Gratitude: 4 Ways to Bring it Into Everyday Life

Happy Thanksgiving! Now that you’ve getting a hefty dose of tryptophan and starches in your diet (and more than a small serving of my counternarrative argument from yesterday’s post), I want to introduce some levity into the idea of Thanksgiving. I think it’s a great holiday because it highlights – however strangely – the need […]

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