Caught My Eye: Fire

Image via DesiStudios This movie came out in 1996, and I didn’t hear about it until college. Clearly, I was deprived of some amazing works of art in my youth. Fire is a movie about two Indian women who are in arranged marriages within the same family; the marriages are loveless and often they must […]

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So Many Heathers… Reviews of the Movie

LIBERTY:Review of Heathers:I can see why this movie is a cult classic, but I did find it kind of disturbing. I guess that that’s why it’s a cult classic—because it subverts the norms of teen movies and messes with your expectations. Christian Slater was actually really good in this movie, which made me briefly wonder […]

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Movie Reviews (Now With Lists!)

Here are the reviews for this week! Three in-theaters movies for me and a joint review of The Saint from Liberty and I. She has opted for a creative list review style, which is actually quite fetching because it brings new life to the older titles that we are watching. As always, if you don’t […]

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A Bunch of Reviews

This week has been a great source of media watching (at least for me, Jordan) and not much of it to my liking. I have also included a mini-series review in this one, so enjoy! Oh and, as always, spoilers are included below. LIBERTY:Review of Bronson:I had the opposite problem with Bronson’s trailer than I […]

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Movie Reviews: Nightmare on Elm Street Comparison and Being John Malkovich

Introducing… MOVIE CLUB 2010!My friend Liberty and I, since we are going to be on opposite coasts this summer, have decided to watch movies together and write reviews in order to keep in touch. Here are our first reviews – we are comparing the two versions of Nightmare on Elm Street and Being John Malkovich! […]

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Oh, The Monotony

*smacks forehead against desk* I am officially out of ideas for the week.Yesterday I watched two movies and sat around doing nothing, which you would think is a boon considering that the entirety of the year has been running around with my head exploding but no! It feels like I’m wallowing around without a sense […]

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That’s right. I am listening to nothing. Perhaps that is the reason why I’ve chosen to blog – because I can actually hear my thoughts more clearly now. (I tried to write out my hot-to-cold perspective all weekend, but opened the window only to realize that I sound really insane…).Ah, but this weekend was an […]

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