This weekend, I decided to make a drastic change…

…or two.

I have been wanting to donate my long hair and get a nose piercing for a while, but I had not had the gumption to do it. I still don’t know what gave me the impetus to do it, but Saturday just felt right.

Now, before you ask, here are the answers to the two most common questions I have gotten these past few days:

1. Did the nose piercing hurt? — Yes, but much less than my earrings. And I was lying down for it so it was a different experience, more like yoga meditation than extreme anxiety.

2. How did you feel about getting your hair cut? — Lightheaded. In both senses of the word. I got really nervous when the hair first was being snipped off (my hands were really clenched together then!), and afterward my head just moved so easily on my neck that I felt like it was 20 pounds lighter.

I have really enjoyed this experience and feel very different, but very excited about the changes. It was, I believe, just the right time.

If you’re interested, you should read my personal hair-story from two years ago.

3 thoughts to “Chopped

  • Anonymous

    SO CUTE <3


  • Seferiana

    i love your new look! so beautiful! short hair is amazing <3

  • Anonymous

    Wow, you look CUTE! As for nose piercings, they seem SOOO common among the under 25 crowd these days. I've met QUITE a few Midwestern white gals w/ nose rings here in DC! (I'm 32 and was never into it.)

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