Although it is Tuesday, and usually I’d have a Project x Project post ready to go, I just could not wait till Thursday to release my newest collaborative work!

Behold, an online version of my latest collaborative endeavor: The Bearniverse issue 1!

The Bearniverse is a revisionist history comic zine where all the people in the universe have bear bodies and human minds! If you click on the link, it will take you to a page where you can download the free PDF version.

My roommate Liberty (who you may remember from her thumb debuts way back…) and I decided last semester to embark on a comic zine focused on one of our mutual comedic obsessions: bears. Though it all started with an online video and some ridiculous shouting, we couldn’t stick with just that. Thus, we morphed into Beardan and Libearty (bear comic writers extraordinaires) and set to work. While we started during spring break, school and life got in the way for quite some time. Just last Sunday, however, we committed an entire day to comic creation and went from idea to drawing to final inked version of our zine in one day! Just yesterday, I spent a great deal of time in the Barnard Library converting print media to digital and using up my paper quota to print out the paper copies of the zine. Now, I am proud to say, I can get the digital copy to you.

So download it, enjoy it, and spread it around. Our next issue will probably be long in coming because, of course, summer is approaching and we will not be in the same area until fall. Savor issue 1 for as long as you can!

You can also read some collaborative movie reviews that Liberty and I have written.
Or check out more drawings that I’ve done.